Monthly Archives: June 2023

Katrina Leno: On Switching From Young Adult to Middle Grade

Katrina Leno was born on the East Coast and currently lives in Los Angeles. She is the author of seven critically acclaimed novels, including You Must Not Miss, Horrid, and Sometime in Summer. The Umbrella Maker’s Son is her middle-grade debut. She has always loved the rain. She invites you to join her at, […]

Wednesday Poetry Prompts: 658

For this week’s prompt, take the phrase “(blank) Is Stronger Than (blank),” replace the blanks with words or phrases, make the new phrase the title of your poem, and then, write your poem. Possible titles might include: “Love Is Stronger Than Hate,” “Coffee Is Stronger Than Cream,” and/or “Arnold Schwarzenegger Is Stronger Than Me.”  Have […]

25 Years in INDIE Publishing: What’s Changed and What Remains the Same?

The total number of independently published books worldwide in 2022 is difficult to estimate, but it’s likely to be in the millions. According to Bowker, a leading provider of information in the publishing industry, the number of author-published titles has grown significantly.  (17 Pros and Cons of Traditional Publishing and Self-Publishing.) In 2019, authors self-published […]

5 Tips for Writing an Ahistorical Novel

Historical fiction is my first genre love, and throughout the years I’ve often felt the pull to sit down and pen a historical novel. For too long, I let one thing stop me: My fear of getting something wrong. Writing a historical novel requires a lot of research. A daunting amount of research, for those […]

The Digital Age

Photo by Alex Knight on Unsplash For today’s prompt, write from the perspective of the first AI robot. Post your response (500 words or fewer) in the comments below.

Deborah Crossland: On Finding a Premise and Outlining

Deborah Crossland (she/her) teaches English and mythology at her local community college and writes myth-based, contemporary novels with a feminist bent for young adults. She is passionate about making education accessible for everyone. She lives in Northern California with her husband and her daughter’s very spoiled, retired service dog. Follow her on Twitter, Facebook, and […]

Writer’s Digest Best Writing Advice Websites for Writers 2023

Here are the top writing advice websites as identified in the 25th Annual 101 Best Websites from the May/June 2023 issue of Writer’s Digest. 1. Career Authors Rotating among six working authors, literary agents, and editors who share their expertise and experiences, find advice about the craft of writing, publishing business, marketing, the writer’s […]

The paramour of the sorcerer’s apprentice – a ballad

By: Paweł Markiewicz The moony, dreamy naiad is awakened,like pearl in the deepest marine finery.She-muser of eternity seeks for hoard.Choir: Muse’s treasure amaranthine-gentle. The naiad to dearest prentice: Magicalis a hidden cavity, the wind told me.< Apprentice: >We are awoken – faraway.The deathless treasure abides for musing nymphs. < The naiad went away to the […]

Dear Friend – a poem

By: Kyle Callam With a leaden chest I must regrettably compileThe very last words that will come to defineYour very cruel and selfish last stanceAnd why you choose no more to danceAs to why you fled from a life of love and wealth boundFor a quick migration to the groundIf your life was so very […]

Why Complicated Characters Are More Interesting to Write (From Script)

In this week’s roundup brought to us by Script magazine, “The Great” creator Tony McNamara discusses season three of the hit Hulu show, “Past Lives” writer-director Celine Song shares why she believes the clown character is the highest form of art, and actor Ethan Suplee shares what he looks for when reading a screenplay. SELLING […]