Monthly Archives: May 2024

 ‘Tapestry of Morn’ and other poems

By: Frances Leitch Tapestry of Morn The dawns soft lineThe morning lightThe opening eyeof the sunlit skyThe pearly cloudson the blue field sewnThe taste of warmthin the soul knownTo revel at themountains greensmooth folding hillsFrom which the dawnbehind is seenThe flash of lightupon earth longingRising sun sereneIn the tapestryof beingMorning Life Song The flowers that […]

‘Debt of Death, Debt of Life’ and other poems

By: Imrana Muhammad Nata’alah. DEBT OF DEATH, DEBT OF LIFEBLEEDING HEARTDEAD POETBLOODED ROSELIFE IS A CUP OF TEA DEBT OF DEATH, DEBT OF LIFE At midnight, I felt a warm hand with thousand fingers jacking me by the neck, like my bowtie.These were practically hands of deathtaking my life; as the bucket of my lifetime […]

‘Crossing Across’ and other poems

By: Carl Papa Palmer Crossing Across Clear sky, high seventies, hot Seattle afternoon,Mom smiles from the bow of the Bremerton ferryfilled with those photo posed prior to the launch. Deck clears ten minutes into our hour ride, too coldfor others, other than her, traveling at eighteen knotsover chilly forty degree water on her first ferry […]

30 Poetry Prompts for the 2024 April PAD Challenge

Find all 30 poetry prompts for the 2024 April Poem-A-Day Challenge below. I will link each day back to the original post with a super concise prompt. Just click the link if you need more guidance or ideas on how to come at the prompt. If you participated this year and would like to share […]

‘Doll’ and other poems

By: Grzegorz Wróblewski DOLLCYCLADESNIGHT ON THE ISLANDNOBODY LOOKS YOU IN THE EYES DOLL They say that such places do not exist.I found myself there unexpectedly.There was someone sitting next to me whoreminded me myself from many years ago. He wanted to fold paper into a cube ora little doll. I came back from there quicklyand […]

A Poetics of the Pledge of Allegiance

By: John Robinson Francis Bellamy did not intend his publishing gimmick to turn into a national ritual, nor did he intend his words to be taken up in the mouths of those seeking asylum or new beginnings in a democratic society such as ours.  In spite of the author’s true intentions, something greater and more […]

‘Reverie Redux’ and other poems

By Bruce Levine Reverie Redux Fluorescent lighting Hovering overhead Transient groups Outlining intervals Of time in a tube Multiscopic vision Projecting data To artificial intelligence Cognitive memory Enhancing realms Infused with dogma Telepathy based society Filled with sensory channels Telekinesis employed To physical systems Obviating interaction Memory reassigned To expressions Relevance refuted By simple equations […]

Signs of Spring

By Bruce Levine Spring was officially the season. The Spring Equinox had taken place on March twentieth, and it was now close to the end of April. But for Gary Sounding spring was never truly spring until he’d seen robins prancing around and the lawn getting its first cutting. There was no special significance to […]

Suzanne Rindell: On the Spark Reading Can Give Writers

Suzanne Rindell is the author of two previous novels, The Other Typist and Three-Martini Lunch. She earned her Ph.D. in literature from Rice University, and divides her time between New York and California. Follow her on Facebook and Instagram. Suzanne Rindell Photo by Emily Kate Roemer In this interview, Suzanne discusses the emotional reunion she […]

Noir on the Radio and the W.H.O.C.A.R.E.S. Method of Writing

Story’s where you find it. In the crazed hodge-podge atmosphere I grew up in, Hollywood in the 1970s, story came at you from every corner—on Sunset Strip billboards and religious pamphlets strewn across the stars on the Boulevard, bus bench ads and porno newspaper bins and goofy reruns and “Whatever Happened To” paperbacks sold on […]

How to Write Effective Software Articles for Websites and Blogs

Many technology websites include software articles for Windows 11/10, macOS, Android, iOS, and even Linux platforms (otherwise operating systems). Instructional how-to guides that provide hints and tips for utilizing apps or troubleshooting software issues are the most prevalent type of article on such sites. Freelance tech writers submit many software articles to sites like MakeUseOf, […]

What AAPI Heritage Month Means to Me

The story of my life can be told through a collection of mismatched objects—sparkling pieces of jade jewelry, creased piano workbooks, tattered stuffed animals that have lost most of their stuffing. But back in high school, if you’d asked me what item I’d save from a burning house, I’ve have rummaged through my desk to […]