Monthly Archives: November 2024

2024 November PAD Chapbook Challenge: Day 30

We’ve made it! Almost. For today’s prompt, write a rest poem. Maybe you’re looking forward to taking a rest; maybe you’re the type who never rests; maybe it’s time to give it a rest. But don’t rest on your laurels until after you’ve written today’s poem. (And I’ll share the next steps for this challenge […]

Yule Book Flood for Newbies

[This article first appeared in the November/December 2024 issue of Writer’s Digest.] You deck the halls. You fill the stockings. You bake the snowman-shaped sugar cookies. You even write a witty year-in-review to tuck inside cards after addressing and stuffing countless envelopes. Eventually, you catch your breath, scratch your head, and wonder why the very […]

How to Give Gentle and Helpful Feedback to Writers

When people ask for feedback in social media writing groups, they often preface their request with phrases like “Please be gentle” or “Please be kind.” Why? They’re afraid. Even well-meaning people can be unintentionally tactless or harsh. (5 Things to Know When Writing With Friends.) Don’t be that person who makes them nervous. Here are […]

2024 November PAD Chapbook Challenge: Day 29

For today’s prompt, write a frustration poem. I didn’t think about it before the month began, but this may be one of the most appropriate days for a frustration poem in the States, because it falls on Black Friday (when so many frustrated shoppers have to deal with congested traffic, aggressive sales, and more). But, […]

How to Brainstorm Your Book Proposal

Most nonfiction books sell by book proposal, which is basically a business plan for your book. It incorporates: Your concept and what makes it uniqueWho you are and why you are the best person to write itDetails about your audience, why the book will sell, and your marketing plan (17 Pros & Cons of Traditional […]

Why are traitors called quislings?

By James Aitchison Being branded a traitor is bad enough, but having your name used to describe one is another matter entirely.  Today, dictionaries define a “quisling” as a traitor who collaborates with an enemy force occupying their country.  Many people have been deemed “quislings”, especially those who collaborated with post-war Communist takeovers in Europe.  […]

Stacey Simmons: Women’s Stories Matter, and We Need More of Them

Stacey Simmons, MA, PhD, LMFT is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Certified Psychedelic Therapist. Her clinical practice focuses on helping creative professionals with everything from early trauma to creative blocks. After a debilitating few years being haunted by nightmares, Stacey left a career in entertainment to become a psychotherapist. She is a clinical […]

2024 November PAD Chapbook Challenge: Day 28

For today’s prompt, write a celebration poem. In the States, many celebrate Thanksgiving today, but there are any number of other celebrations people can have, including weddings, birthdays, graduations, and so on. Sometimes, even a nice word from someone is cause for celebration. Remember: These prompts are springboards to creativity. Use them to expand your […]

“Casualties” and other poems

By: Sam Hendrian “Casualties”“Concerto for Caroline”“Prenup Paradox”“Living Backwards”“Welcome to Las Vegas” “Casualties” She was cursed with the rare giftOf etching tomorrow onto someone’s faceAs soon as the today she spent with themProved happier than every yesterday combined. Window-shopped at all the wedding stores within a hundred mile radius,Not to mention all the bakeries and banquet […]


By: James Aitchison It is never ours to condemn,lest we become the victim.The open mind knowsthe mystery of death.As time outlasts walls,so too the measured soulfinds freedom.Fear is the flamethat consumes trust;trust, next to love,the hardest human valueto give consistently.Believe that I will find you:as the wheel spins,men, not listeningwill hear.

How to Break Into the Military History Market

History is a subject widely covered by print magazines and websites. There are many aspects of human history, but military history is perhaps the most significant and ultimately tragic. Numerous blockbuster war films such as Braveheart, Saving Private Ryan, Pearl Harbor, Platoon, Dunkirk, and others have increased demand for military history article content in print […]

Kerry Rea: Don’t Sell Yourself Short

Kerry Rea lives in Columbus, Ohio with her husband and their small army of dogs. She grew up in Youngstown, Ohio and graduated from The University of Notre Dame. She believes that a happy ending is always possible. Visit her at and on Instagram and X (Twitter). Kerry Rea Photo by Simon Yao In this interview, […]