Monthly Archives: January 2023

The Importance of Book Clubs for Writers: Hanging Out in, and With, Books

Reading is often an independent practice—but book clubs offer a chance to share the experience and learn something along the way. Here, author Sheila Liming discusses the importance of book clubs for writers. I joined the first book club I ever joined because I was starving for intellectual and creative nourishment. (Sheila Liming: On Nurturing […]

Unknown Number

Every writer needs a little inspiration once in a while. For today’s prompt, a message from an unknown number has surprising consequences. Photo by Eirik Solheim on Unsplash For today’s prompt, a message from an unknown number has surprising consequences. Post your response (500 words or fewer) in the comments below.

When It’s Time to Start Over

The article When It’s Time to Start Over appeared first on The Write Practice. How many of you have been writing for a while? Have a story that you just can’t seem to finish? This article is for you—though if you’re brand-new, this will eventually apply to you, too. Ahem. There will come a day when it’s […]

Kerri Schlottman: On Giving Literary Voice to Visual Art

Award-winning author Kerri Schlottman discusses the real-life documentary photograph that helped inspire her literary novel, Tell Me One Thing. Kerri Schlottman’s writing has recently been featured in The Dillydoun Review, Belle Ombre, and Women Writers. Her work has been honored with the Dillydoun International Fiction Prize (second place), Dzanc Books Prize for Fiction (longlisted), and […]

Sending Book Query Letters in 2023? This post is for you.

If you are getting ready to send out your query and you are considering sending to Books & Such, this post is for you. I’d like to walk you through the behind-the-scenes process of what happens to your query letter when you send to Books & Such. We accept queries that are approximately one page […]

The Secret as a Narrative Framing Element (From Script)

In this week’s roundup brought to us by Script magazine, read more filmmaker interviews from the 2023 Sundance Film Festival, including an exclusive interview with Sundance’s U.S. Dramatic Audience Award and Waldo Salt Screenwriting Award winning filmmaker Maryam Keshavarz. In this week’s roundup brought to us by Script magazine, read more filmmaker interviews from the […]

What Is an Epigraph? A Smart Author’s Guide for 2023

The article What Is an Epigraph? A Smart Author’s Guide for 2023 appeared first on The Write Practice. If you’ve opened a novel and seen a quote on the opening pages then you’ve seen a literary epigraph. But what are they really? Why do authors use them? And how do you know if you need […]

How To Write a Protagonist Leading a Double Life

Inspired by personal experiences, author Kyla Zhao discusses how to write a protagonist leading a double life. In my debut novel The Fraud Squad, my main character Samantha Song is a working-class woman who pretends to be a socialite in order to get her dream at Singapore’s poshest and snobbiest magazine. This means trading her […]

Developing a Scene Outline for Your Novel

Writing a novel is a challenge. If you’ve done it (or tried to), you understand. I’m a big proponent of plotting my novels in advance. While many writers dislike plotting and feel comfortable “pantsing,” it can take a lot of years and practice to get down novel/story structure well enough to “wing it” and come […]

Negotiating with Terrorists

By: Terry Trowbridge Brussels sprout sorbetsaid the terrorist in the kitchentaking the birthday boy’ssocial life hostagethose chocolate cake eyesfocused on tomorrow’s eight flamesconsidering the limits pick up his clothes then whatclean the […]

‘Wind, Tree’ and other poems

By: Brandon McQuade WIND, TREE The sun is a yellow axechopping at our backs. A single, barren treeits branches splayed in the open air. Veiny,naked limbs longing for a companion,settling for the […]