Monthly Archives: May 2023

Book Marketing Copy 101

Nobody can buy something they don’t know about, which means writers following all paths to publication need to know how to hook attention and convince an audience. However, drafting marketing copy is a different skill than other writing. Before we get into the details for writing digital marketing copy, let’s first understand how it differs […]

Meg Shaffer: On Retelling Classic Children’s Stories for Adults

Meg Shaffer is a part-time creative writing instructor and a full-time MFA candidate in TV and Screenwriting at Stephens College, Columbia, Missouri. Find her online or at home, watching Hitchcock films and/or writing Star Trek fan fiction when she should be doing her homework. Find her on Facebook and Instagram. Meg Shaffer Photo by Chanel […]

Wednesday Poetry Prompts: 654

For this week’s prompt, write a sensitive poem. Of course, sensitive can refer to many different things. A sensitive person may be a nice person, but also maybe a little overly emotional as far as bad reactions (and overreactions). There can be sensitive tools and equipment which may be very good at picking up signals […]

5 Rituals to Get in the Right Headspace to Write

The author life can be an especially distracting one, particularly in those moments when we’re feeling less than motivated. When I’m staring down a blank page and feel like I’ve got nothing to say, it’s easy to start thinking of other items on my to-do lists: dusting down the mountain of ARCs leaning against the […]

How to be a Lifestyle Blogger: Painless Process + Examples

So many people want to learn how to be a lifestyle blogger, and for good reason. While there are plenty of people who just want to share their life, hacks, and findings with others like them, there are others who want to reap the financial rewards of a successful lifestyle blog. Who wouldn’t want to […]

I Have to Say No

Photo by UX Store on Unsplash For today’s prompt, someone is about to turn down an offer for their dream job. Post your response (500 words or fewer) in the comments below.

Split Infinitive Examples: The Surprising Truth

The article Split Infinitive Examples: The Surprising Truth appeared first on The Write Practice. To split or not to split? That is the question. But what is a split infinitive and is it incorrect grammar? Today let’s take a look at some split infinitive examples and discuss this oft repeated grammar rule.   What is […]

Rita Chang-Eppig: On Practicing Radical Acceptance

Rita Chang-Eppig received her MFA in fiction from NYU. Her novel about an infamous Chinese pirate queen, Deep as the Sky, Red as the Sea, has been selected as an Indie Next pick for June 2023 and an Indies Introduce pick for Summer/Fall 2023. Her stories have appeared in The Best American Short Stories 2021, […]

Which Citation Style Reigns Supreme? Endnotes vs Footnotes

There’s often confusion with endnotes vs footnotes, and when to use one instead of the other. They kind of look the same but they serve different functions. What is a Footnote?  A footnote is an in-text citation found in the footer of the page. You’ll know it’s a footnote when you see a superscript number […]